Sunday, December 26, 2010


dise insel genannt zanzibar hot umbfangen 2000 meil die hott ire aigene könik und ire besunder sprach und die inwoner petten abgötter an sind gross leut gleich wan ir einer hatt vier unser man sterck und ir einer isst so vil als ander fünf menschen sie gin al nacket und sind all schwarz leut fast ungestalt mit grossen langn oren, weiten münden gross schreckliche augen, hend zu viermalen grösser dan ander leut hend. ire weiber sind auch also graussam anzusehen wie die man. dis volk nert sich der datellen milch reis und fleisch kein wein wechst bey in si machen aber gut tranck von reis und von zucker grosse kaufmanschaft geschicht beij in von ambra und von helfont zenen do sindt vil helefant leven und leoparden auch gyraffen und leonzen und vil andere thier di fast ongeleich unseren thieren sindt dis beschreibt marco polo in dritten puch an dem xij capitel.

This island, called Zanzibar, has a cicumference of 2,000 miles; it has its own king and separate language; the inhabitants worship false gods; they are big men, and they are strong as four of our men, and eat as much as five of them. They all go naked, and are all black and very much mis-shapen, with big long ears, broad mouths, dreadful eyes, and hands four times bigger than the hands of other men. And their women are as ugly as are their men. These people live on dates, milk, rice, and meat. Their country does not produce wine, but they make a good drink of rice and sugar. There is much trade in ambergris and elephant tusks. Many elephants, lions and leopards are found there, as also giraffes, and dogs, and many other animals, very different from our animals. Marco Polo in the 3rd book and the 41st chapter [Pipino's version] describes all this.
[Translated by E.G. Ravenstein, London, 1908]


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